Keymap - excel
There is an opportunity to set one of two keymaps: excel or access. Excel keymap is presented in the sample below:
The excel keymap provides the following keys for navigation:
- Up-Arrow / Down-Arrow - navigate to the cell in the next or previous row and select it,
- Left-Arrow / Right-Arrow - navigate to the cell in the previous or next cell and select it,
- ARROWS+Ctrl - move to the last/first cell in grid (column/row) -only if editor closed,
- Page Up / Page Down - navigate to the top / bottom row or to the previous / next page (if paging is enabled),
- tab - moves one cell forward (close editor),
- tab+shift - move one cell backward (close editor),
- Enter - navigates to the next cell and select it,
- enter+shift - move to cell above (close editor),
- HOME - moves to the first cell of the row,